Home Legend works diligently to source only from reputable vendor partners who employ and meet strict 3rd party certifications for quality and safety. We continuously audit our supply chain and periodically contract outside firms to ensure that people worldwide work under safe, fair, and legal conditions.
Leading by example
To be an international flooring provider, we have to lead by example. We dedicate time and resources to ensure our products have an overall positive impact on the people who use them and those who make them.

Indoor Air Quality is an important contributing factor to healthy indoor environments. The products placed in a home contribute to the quality of the air we breathe. 69% of consumers prefer to purchase products that carry an Indoor Air Quality certification. Home Legend’s product portfolio of quality Laminate, Hardwood, Bamboo and Vinyl flooring has received GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certification. Greenguard Children & Schools Certification indicates that a product has met one of the highest environmental standards for clean indoor air and contributes to a healthy home, work, school and other indoor environments. Our products also meet California Air Resource Board CARB 2 Compliance Standards – the highest formaldehyde emissions standard currently required in the United States.
GREENGUARD Children & Schools standards establish emission criteria to define low-emitting materials for environments where people spend an extended period of time. Of primary concern in indoor environments is exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from sources commonly used in homes and commercial buildings such as furnishings, paint, cleaning agents, solvents, flooring products and building materials. VOCs contribute to poor indoor air quality which has a number of negative health implications. Short-term consequences include triggering asthma and allergy attacks, flu-like symptoms, and long-term exposure may lead to complications with respiratory and neurological disease. Additionally, children, in particular, are vulnerable to impure airborne toxins, as they have higher inhalation rates per pound of body weight than adults.
Helping the planet and its people
Our communities, our people, and our environment come first.
Operating Green
We optimize our processes and carefully select materials that are environmentally sound to create the best flooring products with the lowest impact.
Supporting our Employees
• Ensuring Work Safety
• Attention To Occupational Health
• Skills Improvement
• Work/Life Balance
High-Quality & Safety
We believe that a quality product reduces the need for replacement and protects the safety of its user, so we only use reputable providers of raw materials.
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